Sermon Category: God

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Why is Jesus Talking to Her?

Introduction: As I recall, there hasn’t been a time in my life when political divides have been deeper. The animosity toward those who disagree with you has heightened in all directions. There is a prejudice toward those who disagree with another’s viewpoint. Jesus, in John 4, purposely steps into a situation where He demonstrates how...


Nick at Night

Introduction: Have you ever thought about what it means to be born again? If you have, you’re in the bright company of an intelligent man named Nicodemus. Jesus told him during a twilight visit that he needed to be born again in order to be included in the Kingdom of God. Jesus also said that...


A Nuptial Nuisance

Introduction: With the beginning of a New Year comes new resolutions, new goals, and new dreams about how the end of 2019 will be different than the beginning of 2019. The Gospel of John, chapter 2, gives some practical advice on how life can be different if we start 2019 with Jesus and keep Jesus...