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Seek God and Fight Fair

Introduction: Today, I’m sharing two of five commitments that married couples and single people, who hope to be married someday, need to make if they are going to have a “Marriage That Works.” The first commitment I am talking about is “Seek God” and the second is “Fight Fair.” Both can help as you start...


Questioned to Death

Introduction: Have you ever been treated unfairly? Have you ever experienced injustice? Have you ever been in a situation where your character was brought into question and you couldn’t defend yourself? Those scenarios sound terrible, yet Jesus experienced them all during His interrogation by religious and political leaders. What can you learn from how Jesus...


Disappointing Disciples

Introduction: Has a friend, co-worker or spouse ever betrayed you? Someone you trusted with secrets and finances; someone you were open and vulnerable with; someone you’d known for years? How did you respond? In John 13, we see Jesus’ response to betrayal and denial was saturated with servanthood and love. Jesus Loves and Does Love...



Cruelty in a Delayed Response – John 11:5-16 · Avoid ALL pain. · Immediate action if you LOVE me. The death of Lazarus matches the theme of the Gospel of John, “so that you will believe!” People Process Suffering and Grief Differently –John 11:17-37 · Martha processed grief with words and discussion. · Mary processed...


I Can See!

Introduction: Are you suffering? Is there someone you care about who is suffering? Suffering causes us to ask God, “Why?” Why is there sickness and suffering in our world? Why does it come to some people and not to others? In John 9, Jesus heals a man who had been blind from birth. In addition...


Eat My Body, Drink My Blood! What?

Introduction: Where do you spend most of your time and energy? Most of us spend a significant amount of time trying to look our best. We are involved in sleep, work, and leisure activities which consume approximately 2/3 of our 24-hour day. How much consideration do you give to investing in your eternity daily? John...