Sermon Category: Bible

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Pray Until the Peace Comes

Pray Until the Peace Comes

Introduction: We live in uncertain times, but that’s not a new phenomenon. Biblical accounts are full of uncertainty that give opportunity for biblical characters to trust in a certain God. Today we struggle to find peace when the future seems uncertain. But the question this morning is: “How do you deal with uncertainty, when you...

Nothing New

Nothing New

Introduction: What is the most dramatic story in the Bible for you? Which Bible story do you like to hear over and over again? The story of Moses, Samson, Jesus, or Paul? Do you like to hear about healings and miracles? If you explore your favorite story deeply enough, you will find that God works...


Racial Divides

Introduction: If you carefully study the entire message of the Bible, you will find that God created each person equally. Each person is equally loved and equally valued. God loved the entire world so much, that He gave His Son, the priceless treasure of heaven, to be tortured and crucified so ALL could inherit eternal...