Day 19: March 23, 2022

Day 19: March 23, 2022

Read Matthew 27:19-24.

The scene of Pilate washing his hands in front of the crowd is etched in our cultural mindsets. Pilate knew in his heart – and through his wife’s warnings – that Jesus was innocent of the charges against him. But there was little he could do to convince the angry mob to let Jesus go. He tried and tried again. And, finally, he bailed. But not without first attempting to absolve himself of responsibility.

He was a powerful man in a powerful position. Pilate knew that putting his foot down – and doing the right thing – would put his position and power in jeopardy. So, he chose the path of least resistance; he played a 1st century neutral Switzerland and did not take a stand for Jesus. 

In the pursuit of power, prestige and position, there are casualties – the most significant of which is our character.

Bringing It Home

In which areas of my life do I need to take a stand for Jesus? Where does the world take more priority over worship? Is God revealing some area of my life where I’ve been “neutral?”

Lean In

Lord, I’m sorry for the times where I’ve been lukewarm in my faith. Help me not to let my reputation or my position or my sphere of influence take precedence over my faith. Amen.

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