Day 12: March 15, 2022

Day 12: March 15, 2022

Read Matthew 26:50-56.

The stillness of the night was broken. The peace that swept over the Garden of Gethsemane was trampled upon. A mob of angry men, carrying torchlights and weapons, came with one agenda: arresting the Son of God.

There was a scuffle and one of the disciples lobbed off the ear of a soldier. There were virulent questions posed to Jesus. The mob then “grabbed Jesus and arrested him.”

In the midst of this chaos, stands Jesus – a perfect example of power under control. He shows us what meekness truly is.

It’s not weakness. Like Jesus says, he could easily have summoned angels to come to his aid. Yet, he chooses not to. 

Despite what the outward circumstances look like – a bunch of fishermen and their teacher intimidated by a large group of armed men – Jesus was in perfect control over the situation. The Almighty, Sovereign God was demonstrating that true power is displayed in laying down your rights for a bigger purpose. Jesus was willingly laying down not only his rights, but his very life.

Bringing It Home

In what ways can I demonstrate meekness? Can I lay down my rights when it’s for God’s glory?

Lean In

Savior God, What is man that you’re mindful of him? The son of man that you care for him? You loved us enough to lay down your rights. You loved us enough to be subject to brutal indignities and torture. You demonstrated perfect power through your meekness. Help me to lay down my rights in the light of your sacrifice. Amen.

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