July 26, 2020

How to Move Forward?

Introduction: In the Scriptures, there are times when plans were altered. Sometimes God decided to change the plan. Sometimes a human decision or action changed the plan. Other times people had the wrong idea of what God’s plan was, and they had to recalculate what God’s will was. As we put our lives back together following the COVID-19 pandemic, let us seek God first moving forward. Three Consequences of Leaving God Out of Your Future Plans 1. Leaves You Unprepared: James 4:13-14 Good Plans: · Date to Begin: What’s the Projected Start Date? · Location: Where to Start? · Length of Time: How long will it last? · Activity: What will we do? The problem is that God is not mentioned in the planning. 2. Leads to Overconfidence: James 4:15-16 This removes God as the provider of gifts. · I’m a self-made person. · I pulled myself up by my bootstraps – I overcame opposition and succeeded. · I did it myself! “I am the master of my fate – I am the captain of my soul.”  William Ernest Henley “…For apart from Me you can do nothing.”  Jesus – John 15:5 NLT 3. Leads Us to Miss God’s Plan: James 4:17 The sin of omission – the things left undone. · God hasn’t preserved you and your family through COVID-19 for you to return to your previous self. · God wants to move us into a new normal with Him as the center of life. How do you find God’s will? 1. Come to faith in Jesus Christ. – 1 Timothy 2:4 2. Live differently. – 1 Thessalonians 4:3 3. Be thankful. – 1 Thessalonians 5:18 4. Seek wisdom. – Ephesians 5:15-17 5. Openly live your faith. – 1 Peter 2:15 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”  Matthew 6:33
