March 8, 2020

God is Holy

Introduction: How do you view God? What is the image you see when you picture God? Some see a “mean, old man god.” Others see a “good ole boy god.” While others see a “whatever god.” How you view God determines a lot about the rest of you. So, how do you view God?

See God for Who He Really Is – Isaiah 6:1-3

The Tale of Two Kings
· A human king who has died.
· A divine King who is immortal, eternal.

When things are looking down – that is when you need to look up.

How do you know when you have seen God for who He really is?

See You the Way You Really Are – Isaiah 6:4-5
· You will never see yourself for who you really are until you see God for who He really is.
· When you get honest in your relationship with God, He gets merciful in His response to you.

See Others the Way They Really Are – Isaiah 6:6-8
· When you see God for who He really is, you will want to relinquish control to Him.
· You will see others in need of the same relationship with God that you have.
· You will do everything in your power to do what He asks.

Weekly Questions: Do you have a healthy view of a holy God? If yes, how does that radically change you? What is He asking you to do today that you are struggling to say yes to?