Join us at New Life Church for a 21-day journey of fasting and prayer from January 8 - 29. Over these three weeks, you have the freedom to choose your fast, whether it's abstaining from certain foods, activities, entertainment, or technology. The goal is to set aside these elements temporarily and focus more on prayer. As we dedicate this time to God, we anticipate witnessing incredible movements, cultivating deeper connections with Jesus, and embodying lives that mirror Christ's character more closely. Download a devotional below to start your journey with us!
Join us for a special time of prayer at New Life Church every Tuesday morning in January from 6:00 - 7:00am. Let’s prepare our hearts for what God has for us, and increase our commitment to the Lord during these 21 days.
On Wednesday, January 29 at 7:00pm, we will culminate our 21 days of prayer and fasting with a special night of worship led by Kory Miller from Red Rocks Worship. We are expecting miracles to take place for the glory of God!
Join us as we pray and fast together for breakthroughs in our lives, our families, and our church! Sign up for 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting by committing to fast, pray, and receive a daily devotional prompt. Text the keyword 21DAYS to the number (630) 599-8320.
Spiritual fasting means going without something, like food, to spend more time with Jesus by praying, worshiping, and reading the Bible. Many Christians avoid fasting because it feels hard or they don’t realize how important it is, but the Bible talks about fasting 77 times - more than it mentions baptism. This shows that fasting is a key way to grow closer to Jesus and follow Him.
As you choose a way to fast, enjoy the closeness you find with God when you set aside time in His presence.
The Daniel Fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s fasting experiences as recorded in the Bible. The fast is a biblically based partial fast. According to Daniel 1, the results were: learning, skill, wisdom, spiritual understanding, favor, and better appearance! In Daniel 10, the fast resulted in answered prayer and spiritual insight. One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat.
Three Key Components to the Daniel Fast:
Here’s a helpful meal plan that will provide ideas and keep you on track if you decide to participate in the Daniel Fast.